London in Widescreen, Panoramas.

The City of London with St Paul's as the centerpiece and the Swiss RE building almost topped out behind CGNU Tower. November 2002.
Original picture size - 3602 x 1704 Larger version available here

The entire British Parliament, known as the Palace of Westminster taken from Parliament Square. Big Ben to the left, Central Tower in the center and Victoria Tower on the right are all visible. July 2002.
Original picture size - 4738 x 1528 Larger version available here

Taken from the grounds of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich with a 35mm lense this shows the Royal Park of Greenwich, the Millenium Dome, Canary Wharf and in the far distance the City of London. April 2002.
Original picture size - 4429 x 1471

This was take from the same position as the above, with the lense set to 105mm. The emphasis is more on the skyline than the whole panorama with the Maritime College as the centerpoint. April 2002.
Original picture size - 5265 x 1465

Shot slightly down from the Observatory behind a 210mm lense, I tried to capture the old and the new, with the building site of the Wharf rising behind Wren's masterpiece archietecture. April 2002.
Original picture size - 2791 x 1552

Another view of the City and St Pauls, this time with Canary Wharf and the South Bank also visible at sunset. February 2002.
Original picture size - 4739 x 1500
Larger version available here

Looking towards the sea of cranes from Waterloo at dusk just before the Swiss RE building became visible on the skyline. February 2002.
Original picture size - 3555 x 1500 Larger version available here

Taken from Waterloo Bridge looking towards the City, you can see St Pauls Cathedral, Tower 42, Lloyds of London, the Oxo Tower, and in the distance Canary Wharf all lit up. Feb 2002.
Original picture size - 7486 x 1419 Larger version available here

Taken from Waterloo Bridge looking towards Westminster, the Shell Building, Millenium Wheel, Millbank Tower, the Palace of Westminster, Charing Cross Station and Cleopatra's Needle are all visible. Feb 2002.
Original picture size - 8288 x 1595